Shorts: August 2019

Shorts: August 2019

Kiwi   09/05/19   See The Shorts »

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Books may well be the only true magic.
- Alice Hoffman

Cold Woods

Cold Woods

Kiwi   08/22/19   Read The Review »

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The Decoy

The Decoy

Kiwi   08/07/19   Read The Review »

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It's A Library Thang ...

It's A Library Thang ...

Kiwi   08/05/19   Read More »

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A Stranger On The Beach

A Stranger On The Beach

Kiwi   07/24/19   Read The Review »

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The State Of Us

The State Of Us

Kiwi   06/28/19   Read More »

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Little Darlings

Little Darlings

Kiwi   04/29/19   Read The Review »

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