Lie To Me by J.T. Ellison

Lie To Me Released: Sep 05, 2017
Publisher: Mira Books
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They built a life on lies.

Sutton and Ethan Montclair’s idyllic life is not as it appears. They seem made for each other, but the truth is ugly. Consumed by professional and personal betrayals and financial woes, the two both love and hate each other. As tensions mount, Sutton disappears, leaving behind a note saying not to look for her.

Ethan finds himself the target of vicious gossip as friends, family and the media speculate on what really happened to Sutton Montclair. As the police investigate, the lies the couple have been spinning for years quickly unravel. Is Ethan a killer? Is he being set up? Did Sutton hate him enough to kill the child she never wanted and then herself? The path to the answers is full of twists that will leave the reader breathless.

Ugh! So many different and conflicting feels on this one! But, let’s start at the beginning, shall we?

We’re first introduced to a random character, who assures us we are going to despise him/her. We are then taken to the scene of a grizzly murder. And then, finally, we’re introduced to Ethan Montclair, an author who wakes up one morning to find his wife has disappeared. She leaves him a note. “Don’t look for me”. At first, Ethan wants to abide by his writer wife’s wishes. Then he panics ... and he calls a lawyer.

Pretty soon we are dragged through the mud, privy to the imperfections and the cracks. Every single interaction between Ethan and Sutton is open to interpretation. A small bruise, so easily explained away by him, is made into something completely different by her friends - the slightest indiscretion turns him into a serial philanderer. And it’s easy to believe because Ethan is not the slightest bit likable. Like, seriously - not even a little bit. That’s okay though. If you’ve hung around here for any length of time, you know that I like the unlikable. But still, it all seemed too neat and tidy. And of course, it is.

The reality was downright convoluted. Ms. Ellison has many different threads woven into Lie To Me that it seems that pulling on any of them could unravel the story in any direction. Those twists and turns are mostly pretty artful, with the exception of a couple that may have you reaching for your “I believe” button, but there’s enough there to keep you second-guessing. Even if, in the end, you’ve figured out the whodunnit, the whys and the hows just may be enough to stop you launching your hardcover into the nearest wall.

Looks good so far, right? The thing that got me was the very end ... seriously ... after all the blood, guts and crazies are dispatched with, we’re left with a little twist that’s just utterly weird. I’m not going to spoil it for you, but if you read it yourself, keep the name “Josie” in the back of your head. I have sooo many questions about it. I mean come on! If you knew that, why didn’t you say it earlier?! (Judging by Goodreads, I’m not the only one left in confusion by that little turn).

In conclusion - Lie To Me is a pretty good read if a little too convoluted. Even when tied up with a neat little bow, you’re still left scratching your head, so don’t expect to be completely satisfied.

Random Thingy - there are no chapter numbers - each is titled with a little ditty relevant to its contents. I liked that touch, personally, but it may drive some (like my other half) a bit batty.

  J.T. Ellison

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